Pathway Rehabilitation
Project Overview: Provide support for bridge abutments for a replacement bridge. The pedestrian bridge borders the Saw Mill Parkway in Tibbets Brook Park, Yonkers. The bridge was designed to support pedestrian traffic as well as maintenance vehicles. The city of Yonkers and Ecco III Enterprises were concerned with lateral stability in the upper 7′ of soil because of the high water table, fine sands, and clay. The piles were installed to 24 tons with a Gehl Skid Steer.
Project Name and Location:
Pathway Rehabilitation, Tibbets Brook Foot Bridge, Yonkers, NY
Pathway Rehabilitation, Tibbets Brook Foot Bridge, Yonkers, NY
Project Date:
September 30, 2006
September 30, 2006
Project Type:
Piles Specification:
(12) 8"x 10"x 12" helical piles. The top 7' of each pile was encased with a 4" steel pipe and then filled with grout to increase lateral stability.
(12) 8"x 10"x 12" helical piles. The top 7' of each pile was encased with a 4" steel pipe and then filled with grout to increase lateral stability.
Soil & Embedment Depth:
Ranging from 35-45 feet
Ranging from 35-45 feet
Project Timeline:
1 Week
1 Week